Darkness to Light: Disappointment to Hope

And those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death,
Upon them a Light dawned.

Matthew 4:16 NASB

I love this verse…it makes me think of Jesus the Son of God, the Light of my world … not just at Christmas, but every day of my life.

And this Christmas, the darkness could flood in for me. John and I have COVID during this most anticipated time of the year. All kinds of missed celebrations and holiday concerts and most of all, extended times with our “treasured ones.”

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A Cappella "Mary, Did You Know?" Backstory and Song

A Cappella "Mary, Did You Know?"   Backstory and Song

Emmanuel … GOD with us! Jesus Christ, the Son of God became the Son of Man. This is Mystery without parallel.

No wonder this songwriter meditated for years to convey the depths of it all. Here is the backstory to what has become one of our current favorite Christmas songs … followed by a breathtaking performance.

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Balancing Acceptance and Hope: How to Make It through a CRISIS at the Holidays or Any Day

Balancing Acceptance and Hope: How to Make It through a CRISIS at the Holidays or Any Day

Here I am with COVID just a week before Christmas. And I am living this message of acceptance and hope because of the Holy Spirit who lives in me.

Are you sick, struggling, away from loved ones, …? Why not reflect and receive from the Holy Spirit for your TODAY.

. . . The two things kept in balance are “accepting our present reality” and “holding on to hope” at the same time….

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FEAR NOT: Every Day of the Year

FEAR NOT: Every Day of the Year

My Child...

Fear not...you are never alone for I am with you!

Fear not...you are never left out for you are one with Me !

Fear not...you are never condemned, but always accepted! I not only love you...I like you!

Fear not...you are always adequate with My adequacy...no matter how helpless and inadequate you feel!

Fear not...you are alive with my everlasting, indestructible life, no matter how dead you feel inside! I am your Life!

I AM in your "right here, right now," whether it be suffering in a hospital room or struggling over a wardrobe choice in your closet...and everything in between...I am with you!

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Of the Father's Love Begotten ... Emmanuel

Of the Father's Love Begotten ... Emmanuel

For the past several years, I have been following an Advent devotional by a British author Tim Chester. One of the unique things that the author does is quote some “unknown to me” hymns and carols. In one of the devotionals, I recognized the final lines of each stanza in the hymn of the day. Sure enough! I had been listening to that very carol each year on an old Christmas CD in our collection.

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The Mega-JOY of Emmanuel

 The Mega-JOY of Emmanuel

Joy is the flag that flies over the soul when the King is in residence!
Chuck Swindoll

Years ago, I was leading a small group of ladies through Paul's letter to the Galatians.  In chapter 5, we came to a familiar passage:

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,and self control. Galatians 5:22-23

Julie was in that small group that year, and Julie was from Great Britain.  I asked her about Chuck's metaphor.  She assured me that it was true.  When royalty is in residence at the palace, the flag flies. It's the signal to the "subjects" that their monarch is present.

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Advent Devotions: Us with GOD

Advent Devotions: Us with GOD

A few Advents ago, I met a new-to-me British author, Tim Chester, through his Advent devotional The One True Light. I’ve loved this little volume that has led me year by year through the first eighteen verses of the Gospel of John.

Well, this year I discovered his other two Advent books: The One True Gift (On Philippians, chapter 2) and The One True Story (on the story of Christ through the Old Testament to Jesus’ Coming). So this year, each Advent day finds me meditating through all three, each one in turn.

The books are not coordinated, but one day in reading all three, a thread grabbed and entwined me in an amazing truth: Jesus is not only Emmanuel, God with Us; He is also Emmanuel, Us with God!

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50 Years Plus One -- a PS from your "Kick in the Pants"

50 Years Plus One -- a PS from your "Kick in the Pants"

PS For our 51st:

This 51st year of our marriage has brought home the memory of our early descriptions of one another.

John, remember how you used to call me. your “kick in the pants”?

And I recognized you as my “tether to the ground”?

So Mobilizer Me married Stabilizer You 51 years ago. What in reality was an asset from the start became one of our greatest struggles. But I feel this year, we have come to some turning points in accepting and appreciating these differences in each other. (Do you?) Why has it taken us so long and why has it been so hard?

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[New Song with post}-- Let Your Light Shine

[New Song with post}-- Let Your Light Shine

…a psychological occurrence in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud.

I have come to realize many of us children of God go through the “impostor syndrome.” Maybe it’s when we begin to get a glimpse of what God has gifted us for . We may feel like “frauds” or fear it may be wishful thinking. Or because of others’ reactions — basically communicating “Who do you think you are?”

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Waking Thoughts

Waking Thoughts

I pay attention to my waking thoughts.

Ever since I discovered a poem by George MacDonald, tucked away in an old notebook on my husband’s shelf, my waking thoughts have been captured and inspired by God’s Wind-Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God. I have invited Him to do that.

Otherwise, my waking thoughts were being filled with the anxieties of life, the trap of the flesh aided by the enemy of my soul. . .

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Not Just Halloween : Reformation Day for Today!

Not Just Halloween : Reformation Day for Today!

October 31, 1517… the day that changed the world of Christendom forever. German monk Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses on the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg. His action launched what came to be known as the Protestant Reformation (Or Protestant Revolt, depending on which side you are on).

Luther never intended to leave the Catholic church, but rather to reform it. But in God’s will, reform and a Biblical revolution began and continues to this day.

Luther didn’t get everything right, but he did get it right that “the just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:16-17) and so much more.

And Luther got something else right that helps us today. He got it right about how to live in the midst of a pandemic (the Black Plague) with God’s balanced, grace-filled perspective.

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My Burning Bush

My Burning Bush

…Moses said to himself. “Why isn’t that bush burning up? I must go see it.” …God called to him from the middle of the bush, “Moses! Moses!” “Here I am!” Moses replied. … the Lord warned. “Take off your sandals, for you are standing on holy ground. Exodus 3:2-5 NLT

There is a “burning bush” in my daughter’s yard in Illinois. And it is ablaze with glory right now! So when three year old William and I came outside yesterday morning, we couldn’t help but notice the changes that seemed to happen overnight.

“It’s RED!”

“Yes, William, and it’s called a Burning Bush. You know what? God spoke to a man named Moses from a Burning Bush. It’s in the Bible.”

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Waking Words: He Saves us Every Day

Waking Words: He Saves us Every Day

I take my waking thoughts seriously. God often speaks to me in those thoughts. How do I know? One reason is that I have asked the Holy Spirit to grab those otherwise anxiety-prone thoughts. And He does. (Be sure to read Waking Thoughts.

Well this morning, I had the very strong and repeated urgency to post this devotional about salvation. If you persevere to the end, you will see how Jesus not only saves us eternally, He also saves us every day.

May you hear your Lord and Savior encourage your heart as you run to Him and experience His rescue today and forever.

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Touch Jesus . . . Touch Life

Touch Jesus . . . Touch Life

Years ago I had a mentor-friend named Donna.  She was the one the Lord used to usher me into experiencing Christ in me as the One who does the doing in the Christian life!  Her key phrase was (as I remember it) "God does it."

Then by the Spirit of God came the realization that my indwelling Lord Jesus Christ is my All in All!  He is the Father's Ultimate Gift to me...no-thing else, no-thing more!

Jesus + Nothing = Everything


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