A Family Blessing -- Singing Together

A Family Blessing -- Singing Together

The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord cause His face to shine on you, …
God loves families. He has placed each of us in our family at our birth. If we are adopted or marry, we gain another family. And so, we belong to each other.

God blesses families. Our human family is a picture of the family of God. In His family, we belong to each other, and we need each other.

This was especially true during the recent worldwide pandemic. During the quarantine, we were amazed how people across the miles connected with one another in many ways. We needed to “be together.”

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A Benediction at Sunset ... Remembering with Gratitude

A Benediction at Sunset ... Remembering with Gratitude

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days ...

So goes the beautiful wedding song from the movie, Fiddler on the Roof. And so go our days, don’t they? One day follows another – sunrise, sunset.

And so has followed the days of our Gulf Shores family vacation — from early morning sunrises together to all of a sudden a final sunset.

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A Blessing for Aging ... Trusting and Flourishing

A Blessing for Aging ... Trusting and Flourishing

Aging is hard. When we are young, aged people are often “invisible.” Life is so busy for parents of growing families, adults who are building careers, even middle aged people who are young enough to travel and serve. They all have “big, busy lives.”

As we get older, our lives can get smaller. Our capacity shrinks and much of our time, attention, and energies are absorbed by health issues. Life gets hard and can feel hopeless.

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A Mother's Blessing ... Speaking Truth Over Your Children

A Mother's Blessing ... Speaking Truth Over Your Children

My husband John and I are currently on a long car trip. In the midst of it, we find ourselves heading to a beloved place — Tucson, Arizona. John is an Arizona “native son,” and Tucson is the home of our Alma Mater, the University of Arizona (Go! Wildcats!). Also back in the 1950’s, Tucson was my family home. So Tucson truly is special to us.

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A JOYful Benediction -- Catching the Wave of Abandonment

A JOYful Benediction -- Catching the Wave of Abandonment

Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away
and will bring you with great
joy into his glorious presence without a single fault….

Several years ago, we were at Bethany Beach, Delaware with our daughter and son-in-law and their three amazing boys. It was a hot one . . . NO, a scorcher. …

It made me think of this entry from Penny Mandeville’s and my manuscript, Glory in Disguise: Experiencing God in our Every Day. This is the wave that is always available to us.

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His Qualifying Life and Death

His Qualifying Life and Death

A few years ago, I spent spent several hours in an exercise that I never would have dreamed would be so valuable. And so I would love to share the fruit of my “what I thought would be agonizing” afternoon and evening with you, my dear readers. My project? Transcribing just a ten minute sermon into pages of type. But in the process of it all, my mind received greater clarity and understanding and my heart just leaped with joy and thanksgiving for my beautiful Lord Jesus, who is my Savior and indwelling Life.

So please watch the video first. It is truly powerful. And then if you long to understand and relish the message on a deeper level, read the transcript that follows.

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Easter Bonnets and Bunnies: Living in Newness of Life

Easter Bonnets and Bunnies: Living in Newness of Life

I have two younger sisters, Linda and Nancy. At Easter every year, our mom would dress us up in our ruffly Easter dresses, shoes, purses, and of course, bonnets. Since I am the oldest of the three, my Easter clothes were usually brand new. My younger two sisters, on the other hand, had hand-me-downs, but they were “new to them.” This was especially true when it came to our Easter bonnets.

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Focus on the CROSS: the Last 7 Sayings of Christ with B.C. 2001

Focus on the CROSS: the Last 7 Sayings of Christ with B.C. 2001

It is truly "holy ground" to reflect on the Cross — what our Lord went through … but more than that, what He accomplished there. Would you meditate along with me ... and revisit Christ's seven sayings from the Cross? [links below]

What a perfect preparation for the joy, freedom, and release of the Resurrection.

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Words from the Cross: a Word of Reunion

Words from the Cross: a Word of Reunion

Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.

So goes a traditional nighttime prayer taught by American moms to their children for generations. It may seem odd to us today that there would be the mention of death in a child's prayer.  But scientists say that sleep is the closest we come to death while still alive.  The Greeks even had a proverb,

Sleep and death are brothers.

However, in the first century, Jewish moms taught their children a different bedtime prayer...quoting Psalm 31:

Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit.

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Words from the Cross: a Word of Completion

Words from the Cross: a Word of Completion

Tetelestai!* It is finished! The death of Christ on the Cross is the HINGE of human history...and nowbefore He breathes His last breath... a cry of victory,It is finished!

What's finished? It must be something BIG,...look at what happened when Jesus died:

At that moment the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, rocks split apart, and tombs opened. The bodies of many godly men and women who had died were raised from the dead.

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Words from the Cross: a Word of Personal Need

 Words from the Cross: a Word of Personal Need

Thirst is a primal need in all of us humans...more demanding even than hunger!  We can go quite awhile without eating, but a very short time without drinking. Jesus on the Cross had refrained up to this point from satisfying His thirst.  Instead He drank the Father's cup to the very last drop! He became sin for us...the Sinless One!  Jesus took our place, and the Father turned His back.  The punishment for sin had been accomplished...spiritual separation from God....for US!

Now in fulfillment of prophecy, Jesus expresses His own physical need:

After this, Jesus, knowing that all was now finished, said ( to fulfill the Scripture), “I thirst.” A jar full of sour wine stood there, so they put a sponge full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. John 19:28-29 ESV

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Words from the Cross: a Word of Family Affection

Words from the Cross:  a Word of Family Affection

Dear woman, behold your son...behold your mother. (John 19:26)

Jesus has a special love for His own. As we've already seen with His forgiving and saving attitude in the midst of excruciating agony, His concern was not with His own suffering.  Rather His attention was next drawn to His precious loved ones at the foot of His cross, His mother and His beloved disciple John.

What agony Jesus must have seen on Mary's face.

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Words from the Cross: a Word of Salvation

Words from the Cross: a Word of Salvation

Truly I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise. Luke 23:43

Jesus seems to have a special love for lost people ... This makes me think of the criminals executed with Our Lord Christ. They certainly were the lost sheep, ...the lost coins, ...the lost sons...and Jesus came to seek them.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

They obviously had been running away from God...who knows what kind of crimes they had committed!  The Bible just calls them "criminals" [thieves, malefactors KJV].  Maybe God didn't come into their thinking...but that's the point.  They had gone their own way.

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