A Day of Reckoning...Put Off/Put On!

A Day of Reckoning...Put Off/Put On!

Today is a Day of Reckoning...but not how you think!  Usually we use that term to mean to give an accounting, a calculation, a settlement of accounts.  In fact according to Wikipedia, it can mean a host of things from the Final Judgment Day to heavy metal albums and Nintendo games.

But in the Bible sense, EVERY day is a Day of Reckoning.  This word reckon in the Greek is often rendered consider.  In other words, "count on something to be true".  My reckoning doesn't MAKE it true.  It already IS true, so I count on it and live from it.  So each day is THE day to reckon to be true what God says is true...because it IS true.  I can take it to the bank and live from it :)

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Re-Purposing ... More Than Containers

Re-Purposing ... More Than Containers

I’m the family “container queen.”

Actually, I’m obsessed with containers — cute ones, practical ones, and especially “potential ones.” You know, those containers — those boxes that come in the mail, that are sturdy and reusable, and even trendy looking … and those bags, like from the Apple store, or places like JJill and Trader Joe’s. They are perfect to reuse in practical and lovely ways.

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The Sunrise Club: Receiving Morning Mercies

The Sunrise Club: Receiving Morning Mercies

Hi Friends, we have returned from our wonderful family time at the Jersey shore, my happy place. As many of you know, my favorite thing about the shore is walking early in the morning at sunrise.

So here are some current photos from our “down the shore” trip, along with another meditation from our upcoming book: Glory in Disguise: Seeing God in Our Every Day.

I pray you see Him afresh as you read and reflect.

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This "Branch" is going "Down the Shore"

This "Branch" is going "Down the Shore"

From my very first year of blogging and just about every year since (sometimes several times in a year) … I’ve been blogging my journeys to my “happy place”…the Jersey Shore.

This blogpost is a trip into yesteryear — one of my early Jersey shore blogs, Aug 2016.

And actually today, we are again on our way to that favorite place on earth for me. It’s not just the ocean that calls me. It’s my roots — the precious loved ones (family and friends) and memories of my growing up years. So off we go for another adventure…

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Friends of God: "Be Thou My Vision"

Friends of God:  "Be Thou My Vision"

For years this hymn has been my go to song…from the time I was “in the convent” back in the late 1960’s to this very day no matter my Christian context. And recently it has been my morning song as I awaken the dawn walking in my area — even as the darkness is departing and my neighborhood owl is singing out the final hoo-hoo of his “day.”

And so I sing…even aloud…despite the high school young people passing me by on their way to the bus stop, wondering about this weird, white haired woman softly singing. I love the focus. I love the plaintive melody. I love my indwelling God who draws me toward thoughts of HIM Alone. And I love the story behind the song…

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A Final Benediction -- Worshipping the ONE

A Final Benediction -- Worshipping the ONE

Thank you, dear readers, for following along with us through these beautiful blessings and benedictions. We have only scratched the surface of the treasury of scripture blessings.

I would like to end our series with a benediction hymn that leaves me speechless… truly. I feel I must lay flat on my face before our Almighty, Glorious God. The hymn is Immortal, Invisible by William Chalmer Smith. We rarely sing this hymn these days. But we did sing it in our church just a few weeks ago. I was transported to “the Throne.”

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A Family Blessing -- Singing Together

A Family Blessing -- Singing Together

The Lord bless you, and keep you;
The Lord cause His face to shine on you, …
God loves families. He has placed each of us in our family at our birth. If we are adopted or marry, we gain another family. And so, we belong to each other.

God blesses families. Our human family is a picture of the family of God. In His family, we belong to each other, and we need each other.

This was especially true during the recent worldwide pandemic. During the quarantine, we were amazed how people across the miles connected with one another in many ways. We needed to “be together.”

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A Benediction at Sunset ... Remembering with Gratitude

A Benediction at Sunset ... Remembering with Gratitude

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly flow the days ...

So goes the beautiful wedding song from the movie, Fiddler on the Roof. And so go our days, don’t they? One day follows another – sunrise, sunset.

And so has followed the days of our Gulf Shores family vacation — from early morning sunrises together to all of a sudden a final sunset.

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