You can take the Boy out of Minecraft, BUT . . .

You can take the Boy out of Minecraft, BUT . . .

Last week I was with my dear daughter Beth and son-in-law Nate and their four darling kids. William (almost 5 y.o.) recently had discovered that he could “do” Minecraft. And so now he is eating and drinking and living Minecraft (much to my chagrin).

However, what mom and dad discovered is that when William is not cooperating, is disobeying, or is in any way defiant, removing Minecraft for a day or two can get across to him how unacceptable his behavior has been. And so it was, one of the days of our visit . . . no Minecraft for the next day.

As Beth and I were sitting outside the next morning enjoying our coffee, William appeared at the doorway describing in vivid detail his Minecraft dream. (I wish I could recount it for you, but I “glaze over” at the first mention of Minecraft or other video games.)

Oh well, so much for removing Minecraft . . . who knew. You can take the boy out of Minecraft, but you can’t take Minecraft out of the boy.

Then I realized . . . what a great illustration of a basic spiritual truth in our walk with Christ in grace:

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