Lenten Meditation: Last Words and Conversations

Lenten Meditation:  Last Words and Conversations

The last words of a dying person are important.  They can communicate good or ill to those left behind.  Why?  Because the last words are so final...and so revealing of what was uppermost in the person's mind as he was leaving this earth to face his Maker. I've never been at the bedside of a dying person.  But I have been with a few people just days before their death.

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Dust to Dust but Glory to Glory!

Dust to Dust but Glory to Glory!

From dust you have come, and to dust you shall return. 

Ash Wednesday has taken on a new meaning for me in recent years, since my 91 year old mom passed away early in November 2015. There was something that arrested me right in my tracks the day of my mom's funeral. I was undone by deep sobs of realization. And the depth of it had been helped along by the incense and the reverence afforded the treatment of my dear mama's frail little body being put to rest (or so they say).

But it wasn't the finality of it all. It had already been final when she had breathed her last, days before.

No! It was the Sacredness that came crashing through!

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Lenten Meditation: Dust to Dust

Lenten Meditation:  Dust to Dust

I grew up in a liturgical church.  So from my childhood into my early adulthood, I observed the church calendar.   Ash Wednesday marked a real turning point in the calendar year.  It was a turn from comfort, frivolity, and enjoyment (think Mardi Gras) to a time of repentance, self-denial, and mortification called Lent. Ash Wednesday was a day when we all remembered that someday we would each die and face our Maker.  The priest would put the sign of the cross on our foreheads in black ashes and say,

Remember, Man, that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return. [based on Genesis 3:19]

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Who Is Your Source, Your "Need Meeter"?

Who Is Your Source, Your "Need Meeter"?

Who is your source to do life? To do your marriage? To parent? To do your job? To be a friend?

Is it your spouse? Is it your significant other? Is it a friend, parent, child, grandchild? Or is it yourself?

We often forget we humans in our humanness are weak, dependent people. Some of us are weak, and we know it. Others of us are weak, and we don’t know it. And this latter group may be the weakest and most helpless of all.

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The House with SOMEBODY in It!

The House with SOMEBODY in It!

I have never loved poetry. As a kid in school, I hated “poetry units.” And even when I was in high school at Mount Saint Mary Academy in North Plainfield, New Jersey, where I had amazing English teachers (all nuns, by the way), I hated it even more. I think it was because I truly didn’t get it. Maybe I wasn’t in touch with my emotions as much as I needed to be. It just didn’t make sense — all those figures of speech and irregular word order, and free verse, etc..

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The Whisper of the Beloved: Lectio Divina

The Whisper of the Beloved: Lectio Divina

I used to do a personal retreat every year at the end of May/June. Usually by then I was exhausted from teaching both Bible classes and English classes. So to meet alone with the Lord in a little cottage at a retreat center was balm to my body and soul.

There were always inspiring reading materials in my little cottage. One year, I discovered a real gem — an article called “Listening for the Whisper of the Beloved,” by Jan Ord. It told of an ancient way of being with God and His Word and just listening. It’s called lectio divina…

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Singing My Own Love Song to Jesus

Singing My Own Love Song to Jesus

Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.
John 15:9 NASB

I hate missing opportunities! It has always been a problem for me . . . especially in my younger years. But now in my very “senior” years, I’m learning to make choices in response to my Father’s teaching to pace myself and sharpen my response to HIM, not to the awesome opportunity — to HIM.

So in the learning and in the choices, I still struggle with regret (did I make the right choice?) and grief (I can’t believe I chose to miss this incredible opportunity! What a loss!)

And so I’m amazed at the choice I just made . . .

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The Secret of Detachment is Attachment

The Secret of Detachment is Attachment

Detachment, Relinquishment ... Letting go! No matter how you say it, it is hard but beautiful. And it is needed...needed, that is, in order to grow in the spiritual life. In fact, Jesuit Richard Rohr, says, "All great spirituality is about letting go." (Everything Belongs) Our Lord Jesus was the One truly spiritual Person on this earth. And He was detached in a healthy way. He was detached because He was attached to Another ... to His Heavenly Father. All through the gospels, especially the gospel of John, we see and hear this truth clearly. 


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"Receiving" and "Being Received"

"Receiving" and "Being Received"

Today I had a lengthy conversation with my lovely friend, Pat. Pat and her husband Rod were our first friends as newlyweds. So we go back 50 years.

After catching up with each other, we commiserated about how difficult it has been as older women to become “invisible” to others…not just younger people, but also our doctors (especially male docs), and many others we interact with. In fact, we have even caught on that people aren’t always laughing with us but at us.

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Christianity is a PERSON, not a procedure; the LORD, not a list! Not church attendance, not Christ-like qualities, not good works, not the Christian "to-do list" (which may vary depending on the group and "camp" you are in)...

Not evangelism, not mission trips, not a quality "quiet time," not Scripture memorization or Bible study...

Not spiritual disciplines, not prayer, not fasting, not obedience, not miracle-working faith...

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SIMPLICITY IN CHRIST: Morning Thoughts for Battles You Face Today

SIMPLICITY IN CHRIST: Morning Thoughts for Battles You Face Today

But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:3 NKJV

Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ.

May you rejoice in this gift of another day to experience the sufficiency of Christ who lives in you today … right now.

And let’s face it … there will be battles today in this fallen world. Christ has won the war. But while we are here on earth, we will face opposition from the world, the flesh, and the devil (who uses the world and the flesh to lie to us and lure our dependence away from our loving Father God).

So here are a few thoughts and scriptures that may help as we face our today:

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But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:3 NKJV

The simplicity that is in Christ, my word for the year, has grabbed hold of me deeply.

As I was preparing this week’s lesson on Spiritual Warfare in our ladies’ Bible class, I was arrested by my word and verse again.

Of course, HE is the key to spiritual warfare, and setting my mind simply on HIM is the answer to every battle I face in this life. After all, HE is the One who has already won the war (Hebrews 2:14-15)!

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Epiphany! Shining Light or Drama Queen?

Epiphany! Shining Light or Drama Queen?

… we are like the star that led the Magi to Christ … or we can be. We can, in our very person, be the light that points another to the King. You and I have the King of Kings living within us. But as always it is our choice whether we allow the King to live through us and manifest His presence to seeking hearts who are walking in darkness all around us.

Author Tim Chester, in his lovely Advent devotional on Philippians 2 The One True Gift, caught my attention when he pointed out from Scripture one way that God says we can shine like stars …

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For years this hymn has been my go to song…from the time I was “in the convent” back in the late 1960’s to this very day no matter my Christian context. And recently it has been my morning song as I awaken the dawn walking in my area — even as the darkness is departing and my neighborhood owl is singing out the final hoo-hoo of his “day.”

And so I sing…even aloud…despite the high school young people passing me by on their way to the bus stop, wondering about this weird, white haired woman softly singing. I love the focus. I love the plaintive melody. I love my indwelling God who draws me toward thoughts of HIM Alone. And I love the story behind the song…

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My Word for 2022: SIMPLICITY

My Word for 2022: SIMPLICITY

Drum Roll please … simplicity is the word the Lord has given me for this year. And actually, it came to me during my devotions about a month ago.

I had been feeling like we Christians can make everything about knowing God and living the Christian life so complicated and sometimes, so intense. It was then that the Holy Spirit brought me again to a cherished, heart-warming, favorite verse of mine BUT in a different translation:

But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
2 Cor 11:3 NKJV

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A WORD of the Year Received

A WORD of the Year Received

Here we are again, friends. Another year has past, and for many it’s a time for the infamous “New Year’s Resolutions.” But several years ago I turned away from that initially hopeful, but later, dreaded “setting yourself up for failure,” tradition to a new thing altogether.

And thank God, because 2020 and 2021 destroyed any expectations and traditions I may have expected to rehearse again this year. So my yearly quest to discern my God-given word of the year stood me in good stead during these years of amazing change.

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Post Christmas Comfort: Fear Not...Emmanuel Finally & Forever (Part 3)

Post Christmas Comfort: Fear Not...Emmanuel Finally & Forever (Part 3)

As the old year is coming to a close and the holiday glitz and cheer have dwindled, what is rushing in?  Anxieties and fears for today and the year yet to come? Then hear these words again from your Creator and Savior:

Fear not, for I am near you!

Fear not, for I am closely associated with you! I've gone through it all too!

And now finally and forever...

Fear not, for I am united with you forever...we are one!

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