"Receiving" and "Being Received"
/The other day, I had a lengthy conversation with my lovely friend Pat. Pat and her husband Rod were our first friends as newlyweds. So we go back 50 years.
After catching up with each other, we commiserated about how difficult it has been as older women to become “invisible” to others…not just younger people, but also some of our doctors (especially male docs), and many others we interact with. In fact, we have even caught on that people aren’t always laughing with us but at us.
But then we realized what a gift our peer friends are (especially our “girlfriends”). We are “people” to each other.
All of this “commiserating” made me think of the word “receive” — receiving each other as unique individuals — real people, the same persons we have been since birth (only at bit more mature by God’s grace).
So Pat and I ended our conversation with the delightful realization that we were each received by the other. And we were grateful!!!
And it also caused me to remember these random thoughts posted just a few months ago.
Food for thought … for myself also …
First posted November 1, 2021
Today I awoke with thoughts about “receiving” one another and “being received.” I remember my mentor/friend/home school coordinator/ Bible teacher Donna saying many times that “he didn’t receive you, did he?” Or “you didn’t receive her, did you?”
I remember this always caused me to wonder… what does it mean to “receive” a person? It always seemed like a different/deeper thing than accepting a person or what they had to say, etc.
Me RECEIVING my “big boys” on family vacation 2021
So today I went on a Bible search…
Romans 15:7 came up when I put in about receiving one another. Most translations say “accepting one another.” Now to me, “accepting” means more like “putting up with” or at best “accepting them because that’s just the way they are.”
But back when Donna used to say it, I somehow knew that “receiving” was much deeper and purer and more loving than just “accepting.” So look at how the NKJV translates that verse:
Therefore receive one another, just as Christ also received us, to the glory of God.
Romans 15:7 NKJV
Then I saw that the Message (MSG) says “welcome.”
So reach out and welcome one another to God’s glory. Jesus did it; now you do it!
Romans 15:7 MSG
I knew it!!!! It IS deeper and purer and more loving! In fact, the original Greek word means “to take to oneself, to receive gladly, to welcome.” (Zodiates, Word Study in the NT)
And that’s how God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit receives and welcomes us!
And so, dear brothers and sisters, when you hear that in Christ you are accepted, don’t minimize it. God doesn’t just “put up with us!” NO! You and I are welcomed, received to His heart gladly!
And now we can do this for one another…