52 Years TOGETHER -- a Letter to my Beloved Husband
/our wedding verse, nov 27, 1971
“Together.” What a significant word.
“Together” was significant in the beginning years of our marriage. We were no longer two single young adults, making decisions on our own, doing our own thing. And together we started building a life and a career and a family and many other aspects of making it on this earth.
Together, you gave me a “charmed life.” You kept us safe. You provided for our needs. You kept us “solvent” financially. You were always faithful and true.
But together has taken on a richer meaning in these latter years — not just because we are now both retired and spend most of our time together. But rather, something significant has happened … we have finally begun to value each other as “heirs together of the grace of life.”
I think it has been harder for you, John, to come to this in our relationship. Patriarchy, male dominance with all kinds of unhealthy implications, and extreme views of female submission have dogged our years together.
Remember when I said a decade or so ago, “let’s forget the headship-submission stuff” and just become friends again — two persons who love and respect each other as equals in God’s eyes. We had lost the friendship we started out with in our relationship those 52 years ago.
Well, I don’t know what happened, but I feel we now truly are “heirs together of the grace of life.” You treat me that way now…I can tell something has been set free. And so I feel there is hope for that long lost friendship. Only now much more mature and deeply spiritual.
Thank you for staying with me all these years, my beloved husband and dearest “brother.” I can’t do together without you.
our anniversary verse, november 27, 2023
Now this song from my heart to yours, dear John Loyd —
On our six week car trip south and west
our family Gulf shores vaca (minus our Kaden, marching with the Troopers DCI)
51 years — A PS from your “Kick in the Pants”
50 years — A Wedding and A Marriage Revisited
49 years — The Devil Hates Marriage
48 years — Grow Old along with Me
47 years — Touching Each Other’s Soul
46 Years — Sandpaper and Polish
45 years — Caring & Commitment
44 years — Through the 44 Years: the Best of All
43 years — 43 Years with the Same Man?
41 years — John’s Response: theRansom of Red Chief
40 years — Holding Hands for Forty Years