And the Winners Are...
/Thank you all for your God-honoring comments. It was such a joy to read each one and praise our "Ever With Us God"!
I so wish I could give each of you a copy!*
And now the fun part...the winners are...{drum roll please!}
Congratulations, ladies!
To read the praise of these and others, click here to go back to my previous blog. Join in worship as we remember the God who
...offers us a relationship that encompasses every dimension, every direction, every angle, every aspect, every nuance, every everything, and every everyplace...His loving Presence totally cocooning us in His Son by faith.
Have a blessed Christmas as we celebrate our Emmanuel, God with us!
*Books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and WestBow Press. The ebook version is very inexpensive. If you are in the Dayton Area, please com to My Book Launch Open House on January 14, 2016 (7-9pm) at BellHOP Cafe in Bellbrook, OH. A number of books will be for sale there, profits going to the community ministry of BellHOP...also author signed. ;)