Coincidence....really? Rather "God-wink"!
/Those extraordinary little events in your life happen for a reason.
A coincidence-sometimes a silly little thing-changes the course of your day . . .or even your life. Is it chance, or is God communicating with you? --SQuire Rushnell
God is a communicating God. Look at the Scriptures . . . elegant, Holy Spirit inspired words that reveal Himself and nurture our minds and hearts.
But He also communicates with us through the things that happen in our lives day by day. Little things may come together in unexpected ways. You may think of a person you haven't thought of for ages, then "out of the blue," they call or you run into them. I believe that's God, and I call something like that a "God-wink."
I experience God-winks all the time...and so do you. The question is do we receive them as such?
Birthday JOY!
Can I share two recent God-winks that made me feel incredibly loved and cared for by my Abba Father God? Maybe these will resonate with you too.
The first was on my visit to Delaware recently to visit our daughter and family. The special occasion was the celebration of our oldest grandson Kaden's 10th birthday. This was a big deal because Kaden was now ushering our grandsons into "double digit birthdays."
But his party celebration was going to be a challenge. Kaden's birthday fell on a Tuesday, a school day. On top of that, he also had a baseball game that he really wanted to play in. But guess what...he had that Tuesday off from school for teachers' meetings! Now what school has a "random" Tuesday off for teacher meetings? It's usually a Friday or a Monday or a Monday AND Tuesday...never a Tuesday all alone.
GOD-WINK! A gift from Kaden's Father God because of His love for His child!
Because of God's birthday Wink for Kaden, he and I were able to go to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast; Kaden was able to celebrate with Dad on his lunch-hour along with Mommy, brothers, Babci & Poppi, and a school friend; then that evening Kaden could play baseball on his Little League team.
My second God-wink was truly incredible. It totally blew me away! Let me tell you about it.
We had just returned from that trip to Delaware. I hit the ground running right away: substitute teaching for a colleague who herself was traveling, a Bible study group all day field trip, a writers' conference in a remote city to honor students who were getting published...all good stuff!
GED & ESOL Student Published Writers
In fact, the previous months also had been incredibly busy. So my physical exercise was suffering. Most notably my muscle strength and tone were sad to say the least. Those "wings" begin to appear all too easily when neglected, don't they?
So I was thinking, "I need to get back to Curves. At least, I'll exercise the major muscle groups there." Now you have to know I've been very inconsistent at Curves (I hadn't been there for about 4 months). But those "wings" were getting my attention.
Susan ( our GED math volunteer) with her 95 year old Mom Marie
On top of these thoughts, I had encountered afresh in the course of that week several older women who had aged really well:
Our oldest GED graduate Marie (at 89 yrs old) was now 95, slender, dressed like a lady as usual, involved in her church choir, Bible study, prayer shawl ministry.
At church, a NJ friend Gail had just had a birthday. I was shocked when I learned that she had turned 80! NO! 70, maybe but not 80! How could that be? Here was a lady who was slender, lovely, ministering to others.
Then on Mothers' Day, we went to the retirement community to visit my mother-in-law. Eileen was at her usual volunteer post at the visitor desk where she chatted with visitors every Sunday morning. She had just turned 90! This was the Eileen of "Piano with Eileen," scheduled periodically to be enjoyed by the residents at the baby grand piano in the Great Room.
Then we went into my mother-in-law's room. Betty is 93, sharp as a bell mentally, but all hunched over, in a wheel chair, and getting more frail physically. Now none of us can totally control how we age, but we do make choices. Despite the lovely person that Betty is, she made a very poor choice. She quit exercising years before. Betty had opportunity, but she had been in a depression and just refused.
At that moment, this is what I thought, "I'm going back to Curves tomorrow!"
At that very moment, the most incredible God-wink happened: I got a personal text (not a group text) from someone named "Kathy /Curves." Now I had NEVER received a text from anyone at Curves...much less the owner. It read, "Happy Mothers' Day! Miss you!"
So guess what I did today? You got that right...CURVES!
My Father God's timing is so perfect! I feel so loved and cared for my Abba Father Who doesn't want me to miss my opportunity because I don't feel like it or it's too far away or whatever. His God-wink punctuated the thoughts and observations of my life at that very moment!
What about you, dear friend. Are you writing off seeming "coincidences" as if they are just "chance." Why not begin to receive them as gifts from your God who loves and cares for you . . .and even delights to give good gifts. Yes, God-winks!
When God winks, He is reaffirming that there is absolutely nothing about us that He does not know-our every hurt, our every desire. And that to me is very comforting. --SQuire Rushnell