God's Amazing Timing Meets My Surprising Need
/LORD, who knew but YOU … that the boxes of cards and notes, received and randomly saved over years, actually decades, would hold healing for my soul all these years later?
Who but YOU could tell me that very morning, out of the blue,
Jan, today is the day to start going through those treasures you have had piled up for years — TODAY!
Boxes filled randomly over decades
Wow! Yes, Lord!
And so I began.
Who knew but YOU that upheaval of a very dark kind would come to my soul that very night. And who knew but YOU that this process of reading and crying and laughing and crying and receiving gratefully and crying and praying — all of which became my succeeding days — would bring healing words and images of love and grace and even explanation of sorts to lies believed or judgments wrongfully formed over the years.
So thank You, O God, for causing me to listen in the morning and move with Your Spirit urges without understanding why.*
Thank You, O God, for reminding me to invite YOU in when the dark times of upheaval hit my soul.**
And thank You, O amazing timeless God, for pouring out Your love and grace through countless children of yours, who over the years had given me words of Life from Your heart. I can’t help but smile when I think of how YOU, in a very real sense, “recycled” those precious, long ago messages to be received by my hurting soul all these years hence. Thank YOU!
Enjoyed and organized
I couldn’t keep everything, but these were read and prayed over
PS. A note to my longtime or long ago friends and loved ones—
Many of you precious ones wrote me notes and cards and letters over the years. What a joy to remember you and your kind and loving thoughts and encouragements. Little did you know that God is still using you in the lives of others…and in particular this friend/sister/mother/’babci’/wife! Thank you and God bless you and yours.
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