Knowing the God who LOVES you and Who is THERE Wherever You Are
/… the name of the city from that day shall be: THE LORD IS THERE.”
Ezekiel 48:35 NASB
Early one recent morning, John was up, dressed, and on his regular Tuesday morning ZOOM call with his guys’ Bible study group. I was in the kitchen pouring my morning coffee into my favorite mug, ready to begin my own personal devotions and Bible study.
All of a sudden, I heard banging and crashing coming from John’s office.
I wouldn’t normally interrupt their special, dedicated, weekly time. But the continued loud sounds coming from that room said to me, “This is not just John dropping a book.”
So I went running as the noise continued. Flinging wide the door, I found John desperately trying to catch himself as he was falling and, as I soon discovered, passing out onto the floor.
I hurried to the kitchen to retrieve my phone, then back into the room to call 9-1-1. By then John was coming to as I heard the voice on the other line: “Hello. Where is your emergency …” Answering questions, I helped John onto his chair.
And the whole time, I was stable and clear-headed because the God who LOVES me and Who LOVES John was THERE … not just in SPIRIT (as true and real and wonderful as that is). WE WERE NEVER ALONE, because our GOD was THERE in and through HIS sons, those precious brothers on ZOOM.
This was the scenario that had been taking place the whole time. There on that ZOOM screen, John’s precious brothers were viewing the entire unfolding “drama,” blow by blow. And do you know what they did? They started praying, aloud, each one in turn … and I heard them in the background as I was interacting with John and the emergency person on the phone and as I was aiding John into the kitchen to wait for the ambulance. And one of those dear guys hopped in his car and came to our house just as the ambulance and paramedics had arrived. He wanted to make sure we were ok.
After the ambulance had left, I gathered my things to follow in my car and those dear brothers were still on the ZOOM together…who knows how long.
What comfort, what support! We were never alone. How like God! He was THERE the whole time in HIS people . “John’s guys” were God’s hands and feet and face and voice to us, HIS children, their brother and sister. We are so grateful!
John’s “Bible study Guys” (minus 2)
And may I say, my friends, the God Who LOVES you is THERE wherever you are … LOOK around you.
He is …
In the midst of your own “crashing and banging,” a Presence.
In the deepest discouragement, a ray of Hope.
In the darkest trial, a friend.
In the depths of rejection, a word of affirmation.
In the emptiest loneliness, a hug.
In the midst of upheaval, a meal.
In the center of boring junk mail, a card.
HE is THERE by HIS Spirit and through HIS people.
May we KNOW that wherever we are, YOU are THERE…Jehovah- Shammah!
Open our eyes that we may see YOU all around.
And may we be YOUR instruments, YOUR hands and feel and voice and hug to our brothers and sisters in their time of need.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.