Schooltime (or anytime) Prayer for the Children in your Life
/Four little "scholars" begin a new school year in our family. Since these scholars are our grandchildren, this new beginning makes this Babci (Polish grandma) pause.
Eli (K) & Kaden (5th)
Evan (5th) & carter (2nd)
What will this year hold for these precious little lives?
Joys and sorrows, friendships and rejections, encouragement and despondency, successes and failures...
Lord, I want the formers and not the latters. But I know how it goes...the firsts often come through the seconds.
So, Jesus, our boys need the grace of your shepherding Presence. You know what they will encounter and what they most require.
And so I pray along with the psalmist:
Lord, You are their Shepherd.
They have all that they need.
You let them rest in green meadows;
You lead them beside peaceful streams.
You renew their strength.
You guide them along right paths,
bringing honor to Your name.
Even when they walk
through the darkest valley,
They will not be afraid,
for You are close beside them.
Your rod and Your staff
protect and comfort them.
You prepare a feast for them
in the presence of their enemies.
You honor them by anointing their head with oil.
Their cup overflows with blessings.
Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue them
all the days of their lives,
and they will live in the house of the Lord
Shepherd them, O God, beyond their wants,
beyond their fears, from death into life.
1. God is their shepherd, so nothing they shall want,
They rest in the meadows of faithfulness and love,
They walk by the quiet waters of peace.
2. Gently you raise them and heal their weary souls,
you lead them by pathways of righteousness and truth,
their spirits shall sing the music of your Name.
3. Though they should wander the valley of death,
They fear no evil, for you are at their side,
your rod and your staff, their comfort and their hope.
4. You have set them a banquet of love in the face of hatred,
crowning them with love beyond their pow'r to hold.
5. Surely your kindness and mercy follow them all the days of their lives;
They will dwell in the house of their God forevermore.