Fall Book Club...starting soon
/Hi dear friends,
Back in 2012 in the early days of A Branch in the Vine, I was leading a group of ladies through the life-altering book, The Rest of the Gospel. At the same time the idea came to me to do it as a bookclub here on A Branch … So we did and then again in 2014.
Now here we are, 10 years later, with another class and another Book Club. Join us here? Keep on reading for more info. And if you like, let us know in comments that you are reading along with us.
Are you tired of working hard doing the Christian life — the "to do/don't do" lists (which vary depending on the group you are with)? Are you ready to give up trying in your own strength to get the "abundant life" Jesus promised? John 10:10
Great! Then you are ready to read along with us the potentially life-changing truths contained in...
The Rest of the Gospel: When the Partial Gospel Has Worn You Out,
by Dan Stone and David Gregory.
Here's a short description of the book:
Having God's forgiveness is wonderful. Spending eternity with God is great. But for now, where is the abundant life Jesus promised? Why is the Christian life such a struggle? Because getting forgiven is only half of the gospel! The rest of the gospel is not us striving on our own to be good Christians, but Christ in us, living His life through us as we rest in him..
So get your book and start reading. Soon I'll begin posting study questions, key verses, thoughts, songs, prayers, who knows what else. And as always, please feel free to jump in with your thoughts, questions, verses, etc in the comment section.
Discover as never before that Zoe life (God’s eternal and abundant Life) is yours right NOW...in Christ alone!
So get your book, subscribe to this blog (on the right), and get ready for our discussion here on line.