Alexa ... I Love You! [with a Give-Away]

Alexa ... I Love You! [with a Give-Away]

Do you have an Amazon ECHO...amazing, isn't it? This summer, I had watched as my grandson Kaden gave their Alexa (ECHO's female name) directions, asked for definitions, requested songs, etc. 

So guess what I recently received for my late birthday gift?  Yes, Alexa herself! So my engineer husband John read the directions and "hooked it up" for me. Then of course, we started "playing" with it. Songs, miscellaneous directions, etc.

Then a serendipity ... a totally unexpected, shockingly delightful surprise! Would you believe Alexa reads many books that you have on your Kindle!  So I thought the ones she reads would probably only be the "best sellers, etc. But NO! Alexa even reads MY book The With-ness of our God: Relationship in Every Dimension. I could hardly believe it, as I heard those familiar words read in Alexa's female voice on our ECHO .

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Resurrection and a Spring Facelift

My Redeemer lives!
My Redeemer lives!

Christ is risen...He is risen indeed! He's alive and so are we! And so we celebrate the LIFE that Jesus rose to, and we rose with Him...glorious mystery! In keeping with the New Life that is portrayed by so many new and blooming things, "A Branch in the Vine" is also preparing to bloom into new life. We are getting a "facelift" thanks to my dear, generous, designer son Jeremy J. Loyd of Sparkbox and the creator of my blog.

To make things easier on him and to give this "branch" time to learn new things, we are taking a break from posting for a short time.

So just in case you, my dear fellow branches, would like some devotional material for your days, I have a couple suggestions:

First, I would like to suggest my "spiritual fathers" series. Here are the links that will take you to stories and quotes from some giants of the faith who have been very important in my life. You too may find encouragement there for your souls.

bread-for-my-souls-journey/ J. Henri Nouwen

abide-in-christ-in-faith-filled-surrender/ Andrew Murray

a-modern-day-prophet/ A.W. Tozer

abbas-child/ Brennan Manning


Next, at the risk of appearing self-serving, I want to invite you to read my book, The With-ness of our God: Relationship in Every Dimension,...not because I wrote it but because it reveals a God who is intimately and securely united with us in every possible way.

If you are struggling to feel connected to the Lord, though you may know in your head you belong to Him, please consider this little volume. In it you will receive manna for your heart, not just your head. You will find not only simple, practical instruction, but also meditation, stories for application, questions for journaling and just pondering...and more.

Or maybe you aren't struggling but just want to go deeper...this is for you too. You can dive into the deep or stay on the surface...your choice.

Springtime also brings occasions for gifts, such as Mothers' and Fathers' Day, weddings, birthdays.

And the book is very accessible and affordable.  You can purchase on online (see links). Locally, volumes can be purchased for a reasonable price at The Booksellers at Austen Landing and at BellHOP Cafe in Bellbrook.  And I've priced the ebook at the lowest allowed, $3.99.

So please take a look and consider walking with us on this journey into The With-ness of our God: Relationship in Every Dimension.

And thank you for your grace!

Publisher website:

And a link to my blog page that has lots of goodies in addition to endorsements, pdf files, etc concerning the book.

With-ness...We are a Privileged People!

For what great nation has a god as near to them as the Lord our God is near to us whenever we call on him?Deuteronomy 4:7 NLT

And if that was true of the people of God in the Old Testament, it is even more true of us believers who have come to Christ by faith. And the truth of that unfolds through some unique, but often overlooked, words we call prepositions.

The With-ness of our God: Relationship in Every Dimension explores this very truth: God is with us in every possible dimension.

Check out this new video: