To end our first week of our summer book club, I'd like to share some shocking thoughts on how easily good things become the
externals where we live our lives. We think that in them we find LIFE...when in reality, they really produce death (separation/loss)!
A few years back, I heard a sermon by Rob Turner at Apex Community Church. It was entitled Idolatry: What is it? I'm not sure who Rob was quoting, but here are some of his points.
There are four foundational idols/functional idol structures:
- COMFORT = values privacy, lack of stress, freedom from obligation
The price is reduced productivity.
The greatest nightmare is stress, demands.
Others feel hurt because when comfort is our idol, it comes across that we don't care.
The major problem emotion is boredom.
- APPROVAL = values affirmation, love, relationships
The price is less independence because of needing to get significance from other human beings.
The greatest nightmare is rejection, so there's a tendency to avoid conflict.
Others feel smothered because the microscope is always on them.
The major problem emotion is fear.
- CONTROL = values self-discipline, certainty, standards
The price is loneliness and isolation.
The greatest nightmare is uncertainty.
Others feel condemned because there's a tendency to push people to accept our standards.
The major problem emotion is worry.
- POWER = values success, winning, influence
The price is burdened responsibility.
The greatest nightmare is humiliation and failure.
Others feel used, because they feel they exist to achieve our agenda.
The problem emotion is anger.
Making something good, ultimate is an idol. Tim Keller
The human heart is a factory of idols. John Calvin
Father, I bow at Your Throne Alone. I yield myself afresh to your exalted Son to live His holy resurrection life through me, as me...all for your glory and honor. Amen.
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