Coming soon!
/Coming in late fall/early winter 2014, a new devotional/ Bible Study book to be published by CrossBooks:
The WITH-ness of Our God: Relationship in Every Dimension
by Jan Loyd
Do you realize that the Triune God offers us a relationship that encompasses every dimension, every direction, every angle, every aspect, every nuance, every everything, and every everyplace? That’s right, our God longs that we know the reality of His loving Presence totally cocooning us in His Son by faith.
To explore this awesome truth, we go to the Holy Scriptures, to some small words that we could quickly gloss over. Don't let these little words fool you. These words, called prepositions, are power-packed with truth for our minds, hearts, and lives.
Lest you fear that you must know grammar to do this study, please put that fear to rest. In each chapter, the author explores one of the prepositions in some key passages of Scripture. Then the reader is guided through seven days of study and reflection on the truths unveiled.
So please join us in this journey through the unfathomable treasures of the Scriptures as we catch a fresh glimpse at our relationship with the Living God…all through some verbal treasures called prepositions.
Chapter 1 Prepositional Truth
Chapter 2 The WITH-ness of our God: the Really Good News
Chapter 3 Christ FOR Us: Paid in Full!
Chapter 4 The WITH-ness of God Revisited: Life Union WITH Christ
Chapter 5 IN Christ: the bottle IN the Ocean
Chapter 6 Christ IN Me: the Ocean IN the bottle
Chapter 7 Living OUT OF Christ: Life Outflowing
Chapter 8 Come TO Me: His Invitation to Faith
Chapter 9 Come INTO my Boat: My Invitation in Prayer
What OTHERS are saying...
I was so blessed when I read the study that Jan Loyd has written on the “WITH-ness of our God”. It came at a time when I was weary in my spirit. I was so refreshed with the heart of the study, which is that God wants to be with us. Jan helps the learner to discover so clearly that God not only wants to be with us but He is always for us and lives in us as believers. In her study, she helps the student of Scripture capture the message of the spiritual rest that we can only have in Jesus Christ. I wholeheartedly encourage all believers to do this study. You WILL BE BLESSED!
Dr. Wayne Barber Senior Pastor, Woodland Park Baptist Church Former teacher, Precept Ministries Chattanooga, TN
This incredible book by Jan Loyd is not a quick read…it is not a fluffy feel-good book…it is a powerful interactive book that pulled me into the truth of God’s word. To glean the fruit available within its pages, I needed to take my time in order to engage in meditation, reflection, journaling, application, and worship. This is such a powerful book because the author has built into its structure the opportunities for individual growth and personal experience – it is a text, a workbook with prompts and study questions, and a doorway to capturing my thoughts on paper.
Jan does a masterful job of interweaving personal experiences, song lyrics, and metaphors with rich Bible studies and deep dives into solid theology. The book takes the reader from making biscuits and chocolate orange cake; to a walk in the vineyard and enjoying an ocean sunrise; to the life, salvation, sanctification and redemption found in Christ. Don’t miss this spiritual journey.
I have a little plastic, blue boat on my office desk…once you read this book you will want one too. As I begin to walk the Appalachian Trail this summer, I plan to join Jan’s Sunrise Club and I am putting a few handwritten notes from this book regarding courage and St. Patrick’s Breastplate in my backpack. Jan’s insights will provide me (and you) with powerful truth in times of loneliness and adversity.
Little words like prepositions will never be the same after an encounter with this book. These powerful words of motion, movement, and rest communicate the truth of the gospel with such significance. Jan’s insights provide wonderful windows of nuance into familiar passages of scripture. I highly recommend this book for a personal read, a group study, or a Sunday school class…but before you pick up this book, be ready to be pulled into the exciting reality of God’s word.
Dr. David Rough, Ed.D. Academic Dean Dayton Christian School System
We have been blessed by Jan's book, and her deep commitment to explore the depths of these 'prepositions.’ What a gift to the body of Christ! Jan's humble approach in this work will not only touch your heart, but I predict will help transport you (by His Spirit) to a remarkable place of meditation and devotion to God's Word for you and yours! When you and I find ourselves in those blessed places, we are often given, by His grace, moments of insight and understanding that are not only refreshing, but are also pieces of our continuing transformation. Please join me in thanking the Holy Spirit for His leading in the inspiration and development of this book. God bless you, Jan, and thanks!
Pastor Jim DeJonghe Soul Winners for Jesus Christ Dayton, Ohio
God used the truths in this study to open up a deeper understanding of what I have been given in the person of Jesus Christ, and how that understanding works itself out experientially in my daily life. Jan takes deep spiritual truths and makes them very personal and accessible to those whose hearts yearn for the deeper things of God. Let this study lead you to the richest treasure of all that we already possess--Christ Himself, "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
Kathe Bricker wife, mother, Women’s Bible Study leader Patterson Park Church, Dayton, Ohio
This study changed the way I read and study Scripture. Jan shows how these seemingly insignificant words we call prepositions are relevant and packed with meaning. She takes her love for grammar and combines it with wisdom, insight, and experience to bring God's Truth to life in an easy to understand way.
Cynthia Travis wife, mother, sister in the Lord homeschool mom
This study is like worshiping for me. It's about our relationship with, in, and through Christ. Jan has been a friend and mentor to me for over 20 years. She has a way of speaking God's word that has brought me and many more to maturity in Christ. She once said to me, "If Christ isn't speaking, I have nothing to say." Amen.
Shirley Wharton friend, student, and sister in Christ.
This study has truly been a blessing to me! Jan shows how the smallest of words (prepositions) points us to the most enormous and glorious of truths. “God’s greatest desire is for an intimate and loving relationship with each of us!"
Penny Mandeville wife, mother, grandmother, friend, sister in Christ
Jan takes you on an intimate journey with Jesus. Her insight and word pictures concerning prepositions deepen your walk with the Lord ...and isn't that what we are all seeking! Whether you are a new Christian or studied the word for years, you will grow in your understanding of Him.
Susan Brixey Program Assistant Institute of Defense Studies & Education and Center for Professional Education Wright State University Bible study student, Prov. 3:5-6
Does God speak to us? The answer is an overpowering YES. In Jan Loyd's new Bible study, The WITH-ness of our God, I found just how much He wants to communicate with us. Jesus, God in the flesh, came to earth to fulfill the promises made in the Old Testament. Jan brings to life through the study's nine chapters how much He wants to speak to us. We see how Jesus walked among us, teaching of his love, and how he died FOR our sins, so we are forgiven, and through faith He lives IN us. This study opened my heart to these little words, Christ IN me, my life together WITH Him, He stands IN front and BEHIND me, but most important was the understanding that all I had to do was ask FOR Him to do what He has planned for my life. Ask Jesus INTO my boat. Through prayer and scripture with an open heart He will speak.
Mary Medley friend, Bible student, sister in Christ
Jan’s book blessed me with each page I turned and each chapter I read. Seeing and feeling that God and Christ are WITH me, FOR me, Christ is IN me, living OUT of me, His invitation to come TO Him and my inviting Him INTO my boat, INTO my life, my total surrender to Him.
Catherine “Kitty” Green Christ Follower wife, mother, friend
As I started this study, I did not anticipate the outcome of how common vocabulary functions, within a sentence, can apply such deep meaning to the truths of God's love already contained in the Word. Sharing personal stories and lessons learned throughout her own spiritual journey, Jan not only invites the reader to open their heart to these truths, but also encourages you to continue living life in, with, and for Jesus Christ.
Melinda Pinkerton sister in the Lord, author of
CHECK BACK again SOON for more!