My Sticky Valentine
Valentine’s Day has always been a sticky holiday for my husband and I. My decorating style may be romantic at times, but our style as a couple just doesn't jive with all the over the top drama associated with the holiday. My date night of choice for example would be to go play a rousing game of billiards and flirt competitively with my husband over drinks rather than exchange sonnets professing our love. There is just something that doesn't ring true in my heart if it has to be cloaked in too much pomp and circumstance.
We usually just play it safe though and go the humorous route, oh yeah, and chocolate...lots and lots of chocolate. Honestly I would be hard pressed to find an occasion in life where Godiva would not be appropriate.
But last year I couldn't opt-out with humor. Just a couple of months prior we had taken a large financial hit with our rental home, having to replace the entire AC unit as well as completing some other major repairs. While we were trying to regain our footing, we found out that we were expecting. Being the efficient military couple, forced to travel light, we had gotten rid of all the paraphernalia required for a child under the age of 4.
It wasn't earth shattering and truly the latter one was a blessing but by Valentines day we were left feeling stressed and emotionally tired.