To my Readers: This and that...
/My dear readers
This month, the branch in the VINE celebrates its second anniversary! I am amazed at this opportunity the Lord has given me to author this devotional website. Even though I teach writing to adults (which is a surprise in itself to this elementary school teacher), I never would have dreamed I'd be writing was never my favorite thing to do. But as in so many things as we walk with God, He places before us open doors that can be quite surprising:
Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. Rev 3:8 ESV
So I want to thank you, my beloved readers. Whether you have been reading from day one or just here and there, I am deeply grateful for you. My prayer is always that Jesus our Lord, the Logos (Word) of God, would speak and encourage through these posts:
Lord, live through me; love through me; speak through me...all to glorify Your Most Holy Name!
As a head's up for what's ahead the next few months:
- We are continuing our study in the book of Hebrews. So keep watching for the posts beginning: "Hebrews:____________"
- I'm planning to repost my Lenten series from last year: Lenten Meditations. These meditations are on the Sayings of Christ on the Cross. Those sayings are an awesome study which I had never paid much attention to until last year...much to my shame. These studies will dovetail nicely with the content of Hebrews.
- Last, there may be some seasonal posts, like Valentines Day, St Patrick's Day, etc :)
So thank you again, dear friends. Please feel free to contact me through this site. I also adore "comments" when you have time to give your insights and feedback. I don't think it's hard to comment. Once you do the first time, it's easier still :)
Blessings with love Jan